Trending Tuesday

Misogi experience I am sharing: Misogi 2022 What an amazing day!  Thank you so much for the individuals and families that attended our Misogi hike last weekend.  I was so proud of all of you for showing up, giving it your best and enjoying the day with the Aligned Life Community!   I had a blast […]

Trending Tuesday

Self-assessment tool I am using: CRIPES Today, my wife began asking a number of questions about how I felt, at the moment, about my life in general.  She told me she was doing a “CPIPES” assessment.  “CRIPES” is an acronym for the following; Career, Relationships, Intellectual, Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual.  Each area is scored on […]

Trending Tuesday

Device I am using: Garmin Fenix 5 Plus Sports Watch This year for my birthday my family surprised me with a watch that I have been dreaming about for two years.  It has the ability to track all of my swimming, biking, and running as well as heart rate, stress levels (HRV = Heart Rate Variability) and […]

Trending Tuesday

Gift I am giving: Closet Makeover Last week was my wife’s birthday.  Her “One Thing” (most important goal for this year) for 2022 is organization.  To help her along her journey I decided to do a closet make-over for her present. After shopping the night before at The Container Store my boys and I spent most of […]