Trending Tuesday

Book I am reading: Start With Why by Simon Sinek If you are looking to start something that you plan on taking to market, or an idea you want to spread, then before you do so, check this one out by Simon Sinek.  His main concept is that identifying WHY your company, idea, or program exists, helps […]

Trending Tuesday

Workshop I am teaching: Bulletproof Your Posture On Thursday, November 3rd at 6:15 pm at Aligned Life Chiropractic and Wellness I will be teaching a workshop on the best practices for the correction and management of the spine and posture.  This will be a master class that will encompass my 15 years of clinical practice in […]

Trending Tuesday

Thought I am pondering: This week’s office whiteboard This week I wrote on the whiteboard in the adjustment area of the office the following thought; “All health-building behaviors require repetition and consistency.  Examples include sleep, exercise, stretching, positive self-talk, healthy food choices, meditation, brushing your teeth, adjustments, traction, etc.”  I wrote this idea because I find it […]