Avoiding Shame and Blame

Everyone experiences both shame and the urge to place blame on someone else. It’s part of having emotions – and not one of the fun parts, unfortunately. We can’t avoid these feelings and we often can’t choose when or how we experience them. We can choose how we respond and how we deal with them, though. Shame […]
Detaching from the Outcome

In the beginning, deciding on a goal gives you clarity on where to focus your energy. However, once you have chosen a goal to achieve I have found that one of the most effective strategies to achieve your vision is to detach from the outcome. What this means, is you set your intention and then […]
Defining Your Rituals

Rituals take on the context of an action, or series of actions, that must occur in order for something extravagant to occur. When aligning yourself into a routine that continues to set you up for success day in and day out, you create opportunities for yourself by creating a blissful environment. Rituals require congruence with the […]
Creating Accountability

Accountability isn’t something that comes naturally to anyone. It’s a skill that you work on daily. Holding ourselves accountable for our diets, health, and overall wellness goes a long way! If everyone held themselves accountable for their overall wellness we would live in a much healthier, and happier world. What if you ate wholesome healthy […]
Own What You Can Control

Ladies and Gentlemen we made it to 2021! If you are reading this, pat yourself on your back because you have just navigated one of the most mentally challenging years in the last few decades. That being said, I am so excited to once again, partner with you in working towards your life and […]
Finding Steadiness

Finding Steadiness When the world is going crazy where do you find steadiness? This was the question posed to me in “The Stoic Journal” by Ryan Holiday this past weekend. Immediately, I felt that if I could answer this query, I would be better prepared for the current situation we face as a population. At […]
Turning Inward

What does turning inward really mean? Turning inward is a skill we must learn to tap into our truest selves, to better understand our own wants and desires. Listening to our inner being’s allows us to understand the essence of who we really are. Our inner being knows no limits, and assists us in knowing […]
Seeking Guidance and Mentorship

Whether you’re passionate about health, a certain hobby, your profession, or learning new skills – the process of being equipped with insight to problems you first encounter is a vital tool to have as we traverse through life. Here at Aligned Life Chiropractic & Wellness, we challenge our community to be the best and healthiest […]