In the beginning, deciding on a goal gives you clarity on where to focus your energy. However, once you have chosen a goal to achieve I have found that one of the most effective strategies to achieve your vision is to detach from the outcome. What this means, is you set your intention and then you relinquish control on how things come to pass. In my personal life, I use a vision board that lives on the counter in my bathroom. The pictures remind me of the goals I will achieve and encourage me to continue working towards them regularly. This being said, I often find that how I complete the goals are very different than how I originally thought they would be finished. By remaining open to all the possibilities of accomplishing things it allows you to be more productive, creative and successful. This detached state also allows you to eliminate the daily frustration that can be tied to a goal as it is being developed. Especially with longer term goals the daily struggle is very real. Avoid this pitfall by detaching from the outcome and you will be more likely to get through the daily grind necessary to get things done.
A wise friend once told me, “You can only track your output.” What he meant was, you can’t always control how things play out. Even when you have a “perfect” plan, sometimes life intervenes and you are stymied. However, you can always control how much energy you are putting towards your goals. By staying focused on the things you can control you take a very practical and emotionless approach towards goal achievement. Keep in mind, this does not mean that you don’t feel a deep sense of drive and connection to your goals. It just means you can get through things when times get tough and you feel like you are not making progress.
When it comes to your health, the one success strategy that relates strongly with the concept of detaching from the outcome, is being willing to reinitiate your health building behaviors when you loose momentum. It is not the person who never falls off their healthy routines that is the least likely to get sick or injured. It is instead the person who falls off many times, but who is willing to get back on track even when it feels overwhelming. To that end, set your goals, detach from the outcome and work diligently to their obtainment. Enjoy the process!
~Devin Shea