Turning Inward

What does turning inward really mean? Turning inward is a skill we must learn to tap into our truest selves, to better understand our own wants and desires. Listening to our inner being’s allows us to understand the essence of who we really are. Our inner being knows no limits, and assists us in knowing our true identity. Listening to our inner selves can enable us to love and nurture more, and assist you to develop self-love, self-confidence, clarity, and add harmony to our daily lives. 

Truly turning inward isn’t something that comes easy to most. It takes time and energy to understand ourselves, and that’s okay. We have to learn that fulfilling our inner desires is not a selfish trait, it is simply one that is necessary to live a harmonious and joyful life. Selfishness is my biggest fear, so turning inward is something that never came naturally to me. I felt as though others, and productivity had to come before me or I was living selfishly. The truth is I was living selfishly. I was pouring from an empty cup, and I couldn’t give my best to those around me. I had to make a commitment to myself and others that I was going to trust myself and my intuition. I was going to work to fill my cup so I could give to others generously. This was not an easy task. I had to learn to trust that my inner being was always guiding me down the path and the life that I wanted. I had to unlearn the expectations that I had placed on myself and trust that I knew what I was doing. 

Connecting with your inner self means staying grounded and always remembering to listen to your intuition. Meditation is my personal favorite way to allow for moments of clarity and peace to come to me. Meditation is a simple way to connect with our inner being and provide a moment of self care by relaxing and grounding our bodies. I challenge you all to work on doing a guided meditation, and take a few minutes a day to reconnect with your inner self and really ask yourselves: What do I want out of today? 



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