Trending Tuesday 12/17/19

Book I am readingThe Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip and Dan Heath
The Heath brothers are some of my favorite authors because they are constantly pumping out books that are hugely implementable.  The question they are attempting to answer in their latest book is, “What if you could be the author (deliberately create) of the richest experiences of your life?”  Have you ever noticed that consciously or subconsciously we are largely influenced by just a few specific moments in time?  If so, then what type of moments would you like to create in order to positively impact the lives of the people around you as well as your own?  This book will help to guide you towards understanding and making some great decisions!  Pick this one up for yourself or give it as a guaranteed well appreciated gift this holiday season.

Health topic I am learning about:  Excessive Upper Back rounding in the geriatric population
Have you ever seen an elderly person who appears to be slumped forward permanently?  This condition is know as thoracic hyperkyphosis (good scrabble word….).  Common reasons for this problem include compression fractures in the upper back due to osteoporosis and prolonged poor postural habits.  Currently, surgeons avoid operating in order to correct this position because the screws and rods used to straighten up the spine don’t hold very well in brittle bones.  The patient must also go through general anesthesia which comes with its own risks with elderly individuals.  The good news is that there are now conservative treatments for this condition that don’t involve surgery.  Bracing techniques that allow for part time wear are now available.  These braces help to eliminate pain, increase spinal support and improve cosmetic appearance. For more information on bracing for hyperkyphosis please go to

Quote I am living by:“Beware the soul-sucking force of reasonableness.”     ~ Chip and Dan Heath in “The Power of Moments”
If you are looking to make a BIG IMPACT, throw logic and reason out the window.  Think outside the box.  Increase the sensory experiences of the people you are looking to influence and create emotion around your topic.  Only then will you be able to create a moment that lasts in the mind of your people.

Got knots in your neck or shoulders? Click play to learn Dr. Shea’s 3-minute knot blaster!

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