Self-care strategy I am implementing: MELT Method
I am unsure whether it is because I am getting older or running longer distances, but either way, I have been experiencing more foot pain and cramping lately. To combat this I have been utilizing the MELT method with some stretches for the lower leg. The MELT method utilizes a lacrosse ball with a series of pressure points at the bottom of the foot, done in a specific order, to produce a relaxation effect. The link above will show you how to do this type of work yourself. The best part about spending time doing this technique is how much improvement you will feel immediately after you are done. Amazing!
Exercises I am doing: Spinal strength exercises
After spending 15 years bending over chiropractic tables I have realized that I need to revamp my posture. To do this I believe that three strength-based exercises are very important. The best part about these movements is that they are relatively low-risk exercises when done on an exercise ball due to their generally neutral spine position. I start with back extensions, then move to prone “T’s”, and finish with head retractions against an exercise band, doing three sets of ten for each exercise. If you are in pain currently, please wait until these can be done without discomfort. Otherwise, I encourage you to add these to your existing exercise regimen and watch how your body holds itself more upright without having to force the position!
Quote I am loving: “Self-care is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation.” ~ Audre Lorde
It is my sincere hope that by working with me and the team at Aligned Life you will decide to change the way you look at how you take care of yourself. It is imperative to shift your thinking from a reactionary version of healthcare to one that is preventative. By consistently evaluating your overall health, looking for weak points, and addressing them, it is much easier to avoid a catastrophic injury or disease. As we wrap up 2022, make sure to take time and evaluate your personal health, decide what daily habits you need to implement in order to have the healthiest year yet, and get to work!
Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC