Trending Tuesday 8/18/20

Book I am listening to: The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
Have you ever reached a point in your life where you experienced more success in your relationships, financial status, physical health or spirituality than you ever have before.  Shortly after that moment you freak out and do something to bring you back to your old level?  Personally, I have done this many times and in many different categories of my life.  In hopes of shedding light on this subject and attempting to stay in a sustained, new higher level I started listening to this book.  Hendricks, discusses the concept of “upper limiting” ourselves due to our lack of truly stepping into our actual limitless capacity.  If you feel like you keep bumping up against your own glass ceiling, give this one a listen!

Instagram page I am promoting: @AlignedLifeWellness
For the month of August we are raffling off a FREE 60-minute massage for anyone who is a new follower of our Instagram page!  Please let an Aligned Life staff member know you have added our page and we will give you a raffle ticket to enter in our drawing.  If you have already been following our page, please take a pic in the office and tag @alignedlifewellness and we will add a ticket for you in the raffle.  We hope we draw your ticket and you will be enjoying an amazing massage on us soon!

Quote I am loving: “Each of use has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy.  When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into our old familiar zone where we feel secure.” ~ Gay Hendricks in “The Big Leap”
Again and again human beings have shown that no matter where we start from or what type of real challenges we face, we can overcome any obstacle.  All things are possible with the correct level of consciousness.  The self sabotaging behavior we all experience comes from not really understanding that we were meant for much more than our 2-million year old brains want to admit.  This week I encourage you to identify any limiting thoughts when they arise, wipe them clean from your thoughts and then ask the question, “what amazing thing is attempting to arise in my life?”  The last step is to relish in your new enjoyment of the incredible life you are creating for yourself!

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC


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