Strategy I am implementing: Kid’s Vision Boards
Do you find that it is difficult to keep your kids engaged and on a schedule during the summer? If so, try out this new strategy I am implementing with my kid’s. First, sit down with your kids and ask them what they want to accomplish by the end of the year. This could include goals from all categories of life (health, financial, personal growth, spiritual growth, etc.). Next, go to google images and have them search for pictures that represent to them achieving each of their objectives. Then, save these pictures to the desktop of your computer. Once this is done, open Google Slides and drag each picture onto a single slide. Make sure to size them so that they all fit on one page. I also recommend, in list form, write out all of the goals on the side. Save this file and then print it in as big a format as you can in color. I did this at Kinkos and printed them on foam board so they would be more durable. Post this in a place that is highly visible to them on a daily basis. Lastly, review how they are doing in respect to achieving their goals at your weekly family meeting. This one thing, if done well, can teach your kids how to create the life of their dreams!
Exercise I am enjoying: Rucking
To “ruck” means “to find meaning in the beauty of shared pain, to seek challenges that demand growth, and to serve something greater than yourself” according to the website One way to experience this phenomenon is to load up a backpack with some weights (the amount is determined by the individual) and go for a long walk with your friends. This past weekend, with the encouragement from a fellow Aligned Life’r I had the opportunity to participate in the Friar 5k. A virtual “anytime, anywhere” event in which we “rucked” around downtown San Diego. Community, exercise, discomfort, great conversation and some really good Vitamin D are all things I gained from this opportunity. If this sounds like something you would be interested in, go check out the website mentioned above to join the “GoRuck Tribe” for daily inspiration, book recommendations, events and community!
Quote I am loving: “If you have to sign a release form, it is probably worth doing.” ~ Unknown
One of the main topics of conversation this weekend at the Friar 5k event was the idea that most of life’s best moments are found on the other side of discomfort. It seems to be the consensus that our modern world, especially our youth, have fallen prey to a life that avoids challenges. This lack of accomplishing goals that are hard to complete has left many feeling like life does not matter, isolated and sad. It is my opinion that we should be regularly seeking out difficult things. In fact, a life well lived is a series of struggles. I believe that one of the best ways to find a positive form of discomfort on a regular basis is exercise. This week, resolve to put yourself out there, get uncomfortable and find a new level of satisfaction in your life!—
Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC