Ep. 30: Guest Jimmy Moore on Keto, Fasting & Maximizing Health Gains

Special guest, Jimmy Moore joins the Aligned Life Podcast to chat about all things Keto, fasting, diet culture and his personal experiences in the health and wellness space. Jimmy is the host of five different podcasts including the Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Show and the brand new show, The Keto Hacking MD Podcast. He has also authored several books including Keto Clarity, Cholesterol Clarity and The Complete Guide To Fasting. Previously weighing over 400lbs, Jimmy lost 180lbs and was able to get off of all of his prescription medications through a high fat, low carb, eating style. Jimmy, Dr. Shea & Rachel dive deep into conversation about the benefits of whole foods, short and long term fasting, sustainable health practices, connecting with your body’s hunger cues and the importance of hugs and connection with others. Jimmy is a warm, funny and comforting human and you can’t help but feel welcomed in his presence. For good conversation, laughs and practical tips on Keto and fasting, give this episode a listen.

Check out Jimmy on Instagram @livinlowcarbman

Jimmy’s Website: www livinlavidalowcarb.com

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