Trending Tuesday 10/6/20

Audio Book I am hearing: Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
Do you think your life is tough right now?  Think again.  In this truly inspiring biography Goggins, who grew up experiencing extreme prejudice, psychological torture from his father and bullying, talks about how to create the “can’t hurt me mentality.” Despite his childhood, he later went on to become a Navy Seal, ultra endurance athlete and author.  If you have been in a rut lately and are looking for a way out, this audio may be exactly what you need!

Event I am promoting: Aligned Life Annual Canned Food Drive
In preparation for the Thanksgiving season we have officially launched our annual canned food drive in the office!  In years past the Aligned LIfe community has truly shown how amazing it is by rocking this event.  If you feel like donating this year, please bring two or more canned foods with you when you come to the office to get adjusted.  Our goal is to donate over 200 lbs. of food this year so every little bit helps. Thank you for your generosity in advance!

Quote I am repeating: “Sadly, most of us give up when we have only given about 40 percent of our maximum effort.  Even when we feel like we have reached our absolute limit, we still have 60% more to give.” ~ David Goggins
In athletics, parenting, in my professional life and every other category I have found the above quote to be true.  The difficult part is pushing through the discomfort.  There are all different types of uncomfortable situations.  Mental, emotional, physical, etc.  I have also found it to be true that the people who learn to wrestle and not succumb to discomfort also exhibit the most self confidence.  What makes one person persevere when another person throws in the towel?  I believe the answer lies in their perspective.  Do they see the challenge as a problem or do they view it as an opportunity to once again prove to themselves they are powerful.  Your mentality is everything!   

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC


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