Question I am asking: “Would you be interested in watching a vlog style set of videos that show you exactly what I do for my daily physical and spiritual habits?”
I am considering filming and editing this type of content for you and would love your opinion. Please send me an email at and let me know if this would provide value for you. Reply in the subject line “yes” if you want the videos or “no” if this does not sound interesting. Thanks so much for your honesty and for taking the time to direct my focus on what brings you the most clarity on how to pursue your best health!
Documentary I am watching: IronMind
What if one of your closest friends challenged you to run a 1/2 Iron Man (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 run) in the next 90 days? Would you have the stones to take on the task? London Real host Brian Rose did and went from untrained to fit in just 3 months. This documentary (found on YouTube for free) takes a hard look at why people subject themselves to physical pain in an attempt to conquer their demons and transcend their current level of consciousness. This film has a ton of foul language but is engaging, well filmed and provides great insight into the human mind.
Quote I am repeating: “Denial is the ultimate comfort zone. ” ~ David Goggins in Can’ Hurt Me
One the core values of living an “Aligned Life” is taking full responsibility for your health. This week I came across two different types of people. The first were individuals who had decided to take ownership over their lives and were thriving even though the external world was challenging. The second were people who had decided to live in denial. These folks were struggling. Not just your typical daily discomforts, but instead a whole different level of pain. Physical, emotional and mental anguish. Most of them really didn’t know how bad off they really were. The one difference between these two radically opposed groups was their ability to own their situation. Even when it is horrendously painful, we all must take stock and determine where we are currently. Next we have to determine the best route to follow in helping us get to where we want to go. This week if you are feeling pain in any area of your life, get real with yourself first. Even if it hurts. Then resign to make things better!
Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC