Practice I am incorporating: System Creation For “The Hole In Your Boat”
Have you ever heard the expression, “hole in your boat” when describing a behavior, system, or area of your home or business that is literally sinking your performance? Think about all of the different areas of your home or work space. Now think about the one that is the most disorganized. The one that gives you the most anxiety if your friends were to ever show up unannounced. That area, and more importantly the lack of organization or systematizing, is what could get in the way of you reaching your goals in 2022! This week I went through my home and tried to really take a hard look at the areas where we lacked systems. For example, I found we did not have a great way to organize the mail effectively. After 30 minutes of deliberate time, a new spot was created to store the inbound letters, identify where they could be stored after use and a spot for pending items. Boom! Haha (simple pleasures…). This week in order to really feel prepared to jump into the new year, identify an area you can organize or a system you can create that will free up your headspace and time!
Website I am recommending: Reserve California
At the beginning of each year I attempt to schedule the vacations we plan on taking. This helps to ensure that we build the rest of our life around these events and improves our likelihood of actually going on these adventures. The website mentioned above is the location where you can reserve campsites for you, your family and friends to get out into nature and have some fun. Their availability is based on a 6 month rolling calendar. If you plan on going anywhere that is even reasonably popular in the next half year I highly recommend picking out a date and getting it scheduled ASAP. We are planning on heading to Catalina and the Channel Islands this year if you need some trip ideas!
Quote I am loving: “Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits” ~ James Clear in Atomic Habits
I believe that the above quote may be one of my favorites of all time! I find it fascinating when you can apply one piece of information and make it work for many different applications. For example, “your financial success is a lagging measure of your financial habits” or, “your health is a lagging measure of your self care habits” or my personal favorite, “your posture is a lagging measure of your body position habits.” Do you get my drift? Please recognize that in every single scenario you may come up with to use this framework, YOU are the person responsible without fail. Also recognize, that your regular behaviors, not your social status, sexual orientation, race or where you were born, is the best predictor of your future outcomes. Remember this concept when you are setting your goals for 2022. And if you need help getting clarity on your goals, I would like to personally invite you to our Goal Setting Workshop on Thursday of this week at 6 pm at the office! Guests are welcome. See you there!
Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC