Strategy I am utilizing: How To Think About Work by Dan Sullivan
Have you ever felt for a short period of time that everything was going your way? Things were peaceful, rewarding and productive. Then something happened and everything became difficult, scary and frustrating. Have you ever wondered what the heck happened? If you are nodding your head “yes”, then take a look at this concept that was presented by Dan Sullivan in regards to the process of doing work. Sullivan believes that work comes in three stages; rest, planning and action. When you effectively cycle through these stages and then start over it will allow you to have a continuous feeling of enjoying your work. If however, you spend too much time in one of these, or maybe you skip one all together, then say goodbye to your sense of inner peace. Sullivan talks about how in our modern world we skip the steps of rest and planning and focus constantly on action which leads to burn out and lowered quality work. If you are looking to accomplish something important, identify each of these steps in your journey and then enjoy the process!
Audiobook I am hearing: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
After reading Tolle’s other bestseller “A New Earth” about one year ago and being profoundly influenced, I decided to dive into this audiobook this week. The overarching theme discussed is how most people identify with their mind and thoughts. This erroneous identification leads to often living in the past or living in the future. Unfortunately, this means we are rarely present. This lack of presence causes us to label just about everything and justify our behaviors. All of these layers of thoughts color our experiences and lead us away from the magnificence of the present moment. Through clever analogies and answering common questions from people he has worked with in person, Tolle has created a very user friendly, albeit challenging, guide to raising your consciousness.
Quote I am loving: “Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only one: the one you are taking right now.” ~ Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now
I believe that a strong spiritual foundation is the bedrock to creating a great life. Although we may strive for innumerable goals in our personal and professional lives, as Tolle says, there is only one goal when it comes to improving your awareness, to become present. The present moment, when fully experienced, defies time and serves as a direct path towards elevated consciousness. The trick is attempting to peel away our ego which will never give up hope of keeping us out of the present. As someone who is a beginning student of this way of living I am excited to continue learning more about how to spend more time in the now!
Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC