Trending Tuesday 4/13/21

Position at Aligned Life I are hiring: Patient Care Coordinator
Are you passionate about health?  Do you want to be a part of a team where you make a real difference in peoples lives?  Do you have an anatomy or physiology background?  Are you a powerful individual? Aligned life is growing again and looking to hire a high energy, health focused individual to help ensure the quality of every patient appointment.  This role will include providing hands on patient care in support of Dr. Shea, getting patients in and out of traction, assisting with explaining postural exercises to patients as well as administrative duties.  This position will require approximately 20-25 hours per week.  If you are a growth oriented individual who wants bring it every day, please take a look at our job posting on, answer the questions and submit a resume.  We look forward to speaking with you!

Audiobook I am hearing: The Common Path To Uncommon Success by John Lee Dumas
It has been a long time since I have written a negative review of a book I am listening to, however this definitely deserves a thumbs down.  To summarize this work, Dumas tells you multiple times about his path to success which, upon hearing the first time, seems to be the only valuable content.  The recommendations seem over simplified and not descriptive enough to actually help you become “Uncommonly Successful”.  I am bummed because Dumas has come out with some good stuff over the years through his wildly successful podcast.  I guess we all deserve a mulligan!

Quote I am pondering: “A year from now you may wish that you had started today!” ~ Karen Lamb
One of the most rewarding aspects of my life is working with amazing people every day on my team.  In fact, at the end of my career I believe that the people who I will have influenced the most won’t be my patients, but rather my team members.  It is always incredibly exciting for me to go through the hiring process.  You never know when the right person is going to walk through the door and absolutely change your life.  Over the 13 years I have lead Aligned Life I have had the chance to work with some absolutely dedicated and talented individuals.  Each of them contributed in their own way to creating the experience you go through as a member of the Aligned Life community.  In starting this new journey to find the right person to fill our Patient Care Coordinator position I believe this will be one of the most important hires in our companies history.  If you or someone you know is the right fit for this position please have the courage to apply today.  Thousands of people are waiting for you to make the decision to put yourself out there!

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC

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