Video I am recommending: “DIY Your Ergonomic Home Workstation”
Are you working from home due to shelter in place? If so, you need a work space that will not screw up your spine and posture. For all the details on how to easily and cheaply set up your ideal ergonomic work space click on the link above!
Podcast I am listening to: Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations with Eckhart Tolle Chapter 1-10 from “A New Earth”
Have you ever desired to answer the BIG QUESTIONS of life? Who am I? What am I here for? What is my purpose? And so many more. If so, please give the above podcast episode series a listen. Author and speaker Eckhart Tolle discusses each chapter of his incredible book “A New Earth”. The combination of his simple descriptions of complicated topics, paired with Oprah’s down to earth commentary and real time questions from people around the world, make this 10 part series seriously implementable. This is a gold mine of spiritual information!
Quote I am repeating: “For you to know anything, it must arise from within you.” ~ Eckhart Tolle
Your consistent and long term commitment to personal growth is the most important work you will ever do. The reason for this, is who you are determines how you respond to everything. We all understand that two people watching the same event can have totally different impressions. The individual who has prepared, who has stayed disciplined and has developed a deep understanding of themselves will bring forth positive changes in our world. Thank you for your consistent commitment to living an “Aligned Life!”
Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC