Trending Tuesday 5/4/21

Concept I am exploring: Buying Criteria
This week the question of how to make a great purchasing decision came up a lot.  When this is the case, I assume that the universe/God is trying to tell me something.  So, after speaking with a few wise individuals and pondering this concept, here are a few things to consider before deciding what to buy;
1.) How often will I use this product/service?
2.) Does it align with my core values?
3.) Will I still be using this one year from now?
4.) Has this been budgeted for?
5.) Will this provide me with a return on investment?
6.) Can I get this for less somewhere/sometime different?
7.) Can I borrow this from someone else?
8.) How long after the purchase will I feel excited about getting this product/service?

Book I am hearing: Think Again by Adam Grant
Learning new information can sometimes be hard.  That being said, relearning or having the courage to completely change your beliefs is considerably more challenging.  Grant, an organizational psychologist from the Wharton school of business, discusses why we tend to stick with our initial thoughts about a topic even in the face of considerable evidence to the contrary.  Wounds to our ego, mental anguish and massive focus are all needed to push past our current beliefs.  Ideally,  seeking out opposing views in order to expand our understanding of a topic is a necessary and consistent requirement of a worldly person.

Quote I am loving: “Thinking like a scientist involves more than just reacting with an open-mind.  It means being actively open-minded.  It requires searching for reasons why we might be wrong, not for reasons why we might be right and revising our views based upon what we learn.”
~ Adam Grant in Think Again
I have found that it is so much less energy to continually search for supportive information of my existing belief systems.  Social media, books, friendships, etc. are all considered fantastic when they have your same views.  In contrast, when influencers, textbooks and people have differing views they are considered draining, hard or “not my cup of tea”.  This lack of being open to learning why someone may believe what they do has led our world into divisiveness, hostility and anger.  I believe that Grant’s message could not be more relevant to our world.  Stay open my friends!

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC

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