Trending Tuesday 7/20/21

Lessons I am learning: 100 Mile Bike Ride
Guys!  I did something I am really proud of accomplishing. Saturday, with the help of an Aligned Life’er (thanks Andrey!)  I was able to ride my bike for 100 miles.  The term used to describe this event is a “century ride”.  Looking back, I believe this is one of the hardest things I have ever completed.  Extreme saddle soreness, back tightness, exhausted arms, tingling hands, completely blown up legs and mental fatigue are all symptoms of getting through this 7 1/2 hour journey.  Beginning in Poway, heading south to the SeaWorld area, then north along the coast to Oceanside, followed by going east to Escondido and finally south to Poway was our loop route.  We accumulated over 4000 ft of climbing and burned between 4000 to 5000 calories.  Here are three things I learned while pushing my limits; 1) Proper nutrition and hydration can keep your mind sharp which allows you to push your body well beyond what you believe is possible.  2) It is possible to be at the point of complete failure, yet recover slightly, which gives you just enough to push through to your goals.  3) Having a mentor, who has done what you are looking to achieve, can make the difference between success and failure!  If you read last week’s Trending Tuesday blog post, this was definitely a “misogi” type event for me (read The Comfort Crisis).  So glad I did it and I am now setting my sights on the half Ironman in Santa Cruz in September!  P.S. If you have not already done so, please donate to my Ironman Foundation fund by copying and pasting this link  We have raised $1060 and need a total of $1750 in order for me to race.  Thanks for your generosity and for giving to an amazing cause!

Date I am saving:
Aligned Life Community Bike Ride
After speaking with so many of the Aligned Life community members in regards to their fitness aspirations, including cycling, I want to invite you to take part in our first annual Aligned Life Community Bike Ride!  Please save the date for the morning of Saturday August 14th.  We will be doing a 10 mile bike ride for all skill levels, ages and types of bikes.  Just like in the clinic where “All Spines Are Welcome”, on the bike ride “All Riders Are Welcome”!  Watch for more details to come for this event including the start time, meeting point, etc. on flyers in the office, our August newsletter and on our social media channels (Instagram and Facebook @AlignedLifeWellness).  I can’t wait to get out in the sunshine and ride with you guys!

Quote I am pondering: “When your mind is telling you that you are done, that you are exhausted, that you cannot possibly go any further, you are only actually 40% done.” ~ David Goggins Navy Seal
So much of life can be chalked up to determination, willpower and perseverance.  On Saturday’s bike ride I constantly reminded myself of the above quote.  Always remember that our brain’s have been programmed over thousands of generations to conserve energy.  The brain’s job is to ensure your survival.  This wiring has allowed our species to proliferate, however in the modern world this programming can keep you from reaching your true potential.  As long as you are being smart and taking the appropriate precautions you can stretch this curiously elastic potential of the human species.  This week, make it a point to consider what seemingly impossible effort you may be capable of achieving!

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC

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