Some may know that one of my favorite things to do is travel. For me the ability to get out of my comfort zone and see places and things I never thought were possible amazes me. I haven’t been to a lot of places, but the places I have been able to see were spectacular. By far my favorite place to this date would have to be the Maldives. From the moment we arrived from our 30 hour flight (whew that was rough) the water was a blue I have never seen. I grew up in Hawaii and I thought I saw pretty water. Let me tell you it was breath taking… The feeling I had the entire build up to get to our tiny little island that we were about to step foot on was so intense. I wish I could get that feeling back again. I am truly blessed to say I found my happy place. This picture I posted above is just a glimpse of the pure nirvana I was blessed to experience. It is also taken from an iPhone with no filters added. Just saying.
That being said, a sense of adventure doesn’t have to stop just because we are in a “shelter in place” at the moment. Being in this space is actually the best time to start reminiscing on those feelings you get when you travel. Why? Because there is so much beauty right here in California. You don’t have to go far to enjoy some adventure. The beaches here are beautiful. Memorial weekend we decided to go for a visit to see my family in Paso Robles area, and during the trip we made a trek up Hwy 1 to Big Sur. After a few failed attempts to find this “secret” beach/surf spot my brother knew about, we finally arrived. We parked on the side of the windy, 2 lane road, and hiked down. When we were so close to arriving we came to an unexpected river. We decided to walk along the side and look for a shallow entry, and to our surprise we found one. When we reached the beach it was so incredible because not a sole was there and the water was so blue it reminded me of the Maldives. I said reminded me, but it didn’t feel like it because that water was freezing! We sat there for hours just playing with my niece and nephew, the dogs, and just talking to each other. When was the last time you sat in the sand and just talked and played? It was so relaxing, words can’t express the joy we all felt that day.
My point is you don’t have to travel 30 hours on a plane. It is right under our nose. It is in our back yards, it’s in our front yards. You just have to be open to it. Sometimes it’s not planned. Now get outside and creature yourself some adventure!! You deserve it!