Trending Tuesday 1/28/20

Trail I am hiking with my Dad and boys:  Cowles Mountain
If you are looking for a short (1 1/2-2 hours), but beautiful hike in central San Diego, I highly recommend Cowles Mountain.  With beautiful views of Downtown, the Pacific Ocean and East county, this 3 mile out and back trail is perfect for getting out doors and enjoying the sunshine.  If you are the type of person that wants to hike in solitude, this is NOT for you.  This is a heavily trafficked trail by many people who are purely out to have a good time.  This is not a smooth trail.  Tons of rocks and loose gravel make this reasonably steep hike a little sketchy in areas.  For more information on this trail click the link above and give it a shot!

Video I am recommending: Bulletproof Your Shoulder: Pain Free Throwing
After spending about the first 20 years of my life doing throwing sports, I am passionate about still be able to do this motion with my kids.  It is far too common for me to hear that moms and dads are unable to play catch because they have shoulder pain during or after throwing.  If this is you, take a look at this video for exactly how to get your shoulder strong and flexible!

Quote I agree with:  “In a perfect world I would have supplemented my rotation of swimming, cycling and running with a wide variety of cross training and rehabilitative pursuits.  A regiment of weight lifting to improve overall strength…weekly massage and use of foam rollers to remove scar tissue build up and aid in blood flow to further ensure against injury.  Yoga for flexibility.  Core workouts to improve body stability and enhance my swim, bike and run form.  And spinal adjustments to correct body alignment.  These are now all things I incorporate into my regiment. ” ~ Rich Roll in Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of The World’s Fittest Men and Finding Myself
It is rare that I find something in my readings that I agree with entirely, but Rich Roll hit it out of the park on this one.  I personally incorporate this exact routine throughout the month and believe it is the greatest weapon I have to keep my body injury free, youthful and strong.


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