Trending Tuesday 2/18/20

Podcast episode I am listening toYou Are More Powerful with guest Neal Donald Walsh
Neal Donald Walsh is the author of Conversations With God, an amazing book I recommend if you are looking for a spiritual reminder of who you really are.  He recently recorded an episode with some absolutely mind altering thoughts in it that really impacted me.  If you are looking to change your mindset, give this one a listen.

Video I am recommending:  Post Workout Stabilization Training For Spine, Shoulder and Hips
I get asked all the time what can I do to make myself more injury proof.  The three areas I see that cause people the most common problems are the spine, shoulder and hips.  For a set of very simple, but also very effective movement to stabilize these areas, check out this great post workout training! Video below!

Quote I am loving: “If you are looking to change the world, focus on mastering yourself. ” ~ Neal Donald Walsh from You Are More Powerful Podcast
If you are looking to make a profound impact on the world, then focusing on yourself is as far out as you need to look.  This simple, yet enormously profound thought I believe is foundational if we are looking improve our current society.  Becoming more empathetic, a better listener, a more inspiring leader, and so on is exactly what we need more of right now!


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