Trending Tuesday 3/2/21

Video series I am enjoying:  The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday
Over the past three weeks I have been steadily consuming content from Ryan Holiday’s YouTube channel called “The Daily Stoic”.  The Stoics were people who lived during the early 3rd century BC who created a philosophy based upon logic that helps to prepare people for all of life’s ups and downs.  For anyone looking to become more resilient, kind, passionate, reasoned and adaptable this is an amazing framework.  Each of Holiday’s videos discuss key points taken from Stoic philosophy and applies them to the modern world.  If you are a seeker of life truth’s this will be a treasure trove of useful information!

New traction equipment I am installing:  Pope 2-way and Wall Unit
This past week we received and assembled two new pieces of traction equipment for the office!  My goal with these new units is to eliminate any waiting you may have experienced previously so that you can get the care you need quickly.  As always, we have chosen top of the line products for you to use to ensure comfort, durability and maximum results.  I can’t wait for you guys to try out the new gear!

Quote I am repeating: “The meaning of life is to find your gift.  The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ Pablo Picasso
After tons of thinking about the topics of “meaning” and “purpose” over the past ten years I believe Picasso’s statement to be one of the best attempts to describe these complex topics.  This week, I encourage you to think critically about what your gift is and in what creative and impactful ways you can give it away!

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC

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