Trending Tuesday

Facility I am visiting: Mountain Meadow Mushrooms
This past weekend I loaded up my boys in the truck and we drove over to Mountain Meadow Mushrooms in Escondido, CA.  The purpose of our trip was to get as much compost as possible for the planter boxes in our yard.  After signing in at their office we were able to back the truck up to an enormous mound of compost and load up an entire truck bed full for free!  If you want an incredible workout, this is definitely worth a shot. Also, remember, that your plants can only grow as healthy as the soil they live in.  This is just like your body can only be as healthy as the environment you put your cells in.  If you want to be healthy, focus on creating a healing environment and watch your health transform!

Program my family is using: San Diego Jr. Lifeguard 
Next summer if you are interested in getting your kids outside, off a device, and learning a precious skill for San Diego living, give the Jr. Lifeguard program a thought.  My oldest son just finished this four-week, five-day per week, 3 hours per day opportunity.  Surfing, swimming, paddle boarding, boogie boarding, running, and push-ups are all a part of the daily fun at the beach.  There are programs offered at Del Mar, Solana Beach, Encinitas, and Mission Beach.  The hardest part for a parent is actually getting your kid registered.  You must sign up immediately when the website opens or risk not getting your child a spot.  As a side note, I had a proud Dad moment when my son was given the “Captain” award for his group.  I only cried a little…haha.  Let me know if you have any questions when this comes around next year!

Quote I am loving: “Being a lifeguard is not a summer job, it is a lifelong commitment.” ~ Anonymous
Growing up in San Diego, learning to swim in the ocean and being comfortable in almost any condition of the water was a must.  For those that did not have the opportunity or the exposure to the ocean, it can be really scary.  However, swimming lessons, ocean safety, and an understanding of how the ocean works can be achieved at any age.  Whether you are an accomplished swimmer or have not dipped your toes in the water, it is never too late to better your swim stroke.  Child and adult swim lessons, as well as “master swim ” programs, are offered throughout the city for a reasonable fee.  If you are looking for a great core and overall body workout.  Consider taking a dip in the pool or ocean with a buddy!

Have a kick ass week everyone!
In Health,
Dr. Devin Shea, DC

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